Consult with our Pharmacist
Our pharmacist can write you a prescription!
Read below to see which minor illnesses or conditions your pharmacist can assess.
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Featured Conditions

You may be experiencing: runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose/eyes/throat, in the absence of fever and usually for a period of 7 days or more.

Heartburn / Acid Reflux
You may be experiencing: burning in stomach, burping, acidy taste in mouth, feeling worse when lying down.

Tick Bites
You may be experiencing: a single red bump after being bitten by a tick that is painless and swollen, itching/rash near the bite.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
You may be experiencing: burning with urination, frequent urination, small amount of blood in urine, pelvic pain/pressure.
All Conditions

You may be experiencing: red, dry itchy skin, scaly/patchy skin, pustules or blisters.

Dysmenorrhea (Period Cramps)
You may be experiencing: lower/mid-abdominal pain during period, back pain, headache.

You may be experiencing: lump in anal area, burning/itch near anus, bright red bleeding when having bowel movement, constipation/straining.

Herpes Labialis (Cold Sores)
You may be experiencing: itching/tingling near lip right before rash begins, blister with clear fluid near edge of lips.

You may be experiencing: itchy/sore small blisters commonly near nose/face but can be on arms/legs/diaper area, yellow crust formed on oozing blisters.

Insect Bites and Urticaria (Hives)
You may be experiencing: itchy skin with redness, bumps or blisters, possibly visible bite/puncture marks.

Musculoskeletal Sprains and Strains
You may be experiencing: tenderness/bruising on injured area, difficulty using injured muscle, mild/light pain, pain associated with repeated use of muscle.

Oral Thrush
You may be experiencing: white/creamy spots on tongue or in mouth that can be scraped off.

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
You may be experiencing: moderate purulent discharge, redness in one eye, sticky eyes when waking up, minimal itching/burning.